Still in development.Starting at 1700 AD.This is an alternate reality based nationwide.Create a country and develop it. The borders are just there for reference, they have no relevance.You start small to be fair to all. Credit to Avi_ for the map.
Join as Imperial Russia in moscow.
capital: Gnorzo
can i join as the gucci empire in siccily
does anybody know how to make a star that small, for the Balkan flag?
You're in
Capital: Gniezno
May I join as The Kingdom of Poland?
I am willing to coexist with Stones Dynasty as lon as they recognize the Union's soverinty over ALL Celts. This includes Brittany.
The U.F.R and the Holy Empire form a temporary alliance to deal with the Stones Empire and I will add you in Player, almost forgot about that
I land the rest of my Highlanders and 1,000 Normal troops in Normandy, and fortify it, but I DO NOT SETTLE THERE.