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12th Mar 2019
17th Aug 2019
Still in development.Starting at 1700 AD.This is an alternate reality based nationwide.Create a country and develop it. The borders are just there for reference, they have no relevance.You start small to be fair to all. Credit to Avi_ for the map.


  • DmitSquid
    29th Apr 2019
    Minecraft,I'll accept the trade
  • DmitSquid
    29th Apr 2019
    I'll build 30 ships to send 5K troops to the Middle East
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Apr 2019
    HALT My ship heading for Africa, change course and set sail for Sardinia, prepare all troops on board for a military invasion of the island
    28th Apr 2019
    Send 3 divisions to expand East, taking a part of Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula. Also train 5000 troops and keep training them until they reach elite status. They will be the reserve in case someone asks for military support.
  • DmitSquid
    28th Apr 2019
    I'll invade the east coast of Libya
  • FlappyPenguin_
    28th Apr 2019
    Are my ships have go to Spain yet?
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Apr 2019
    I propose a new trade deal with the Hellas nation, I give them lumber and iron from my vast forested lands, and in return they give me sulfur and salt.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Apr 2019
    Begin training 3 more divisons of 5000 troops, have them evenly dispersed throughout my territory
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Apr 2019
    NuttyMcNuttzz Begin construction of 40 additional ships in the mediterranean. But continue to ferry 1000 troops at a time.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    28th Apr 2019
    MT you could also build a group of 100 ships to transport them. For now they're being shipped 1 000 at a time