neat thing that DEST does
@kazitor the demonstration that inspired this save was dropping DEST from a single pixel onto FRME. After a couple seconds, the point you're clicking from will be displaced by FRME.
@kmwsky1 there's an endangered lime on fp too
already knew :( -1
why is this on fp?
What the nani?
Roccast: watch frame by frame. Displacement happens just by velocity from falling.
Roccast: let's not talk like that, mmk?
R33sesK1ng: *drops dest on a blob of iron* iron:*gets obliterated* me:O.O
literally just drop some on a blob of IRON to see what I mean.
This is a given and observable property of DEST. While I'm certain that varying results of interactions with DEST do depend on particle ID order, it is in the particle description [mouse over DEST] that it displaces other particles (similarly to WARP, that is.)