22nd Apr 2019
22nd Apr 2019
turns out realistic microwaves are indeed possible in tpt...this makes me look stupid!
Im Good At Making Bombs But I Have Never Tried Making A Gun My Most Recent One Was A Radioactive Bomb A Made A Few Minutes Ago I Think
Sandboxvoid: yeah maybe...but they're so interesting and cool!
harrygamer: well...bomb guns are pretty easy,but Im assuming you know how to make them already :)
Oh I Did Not Even Realise You Own This Game
I am like ....the point between popular on tpt and yet not so popular. I am average at making stuff
harrygamer: hey! thanks for the upvote!
piston bolts....piston bolts......Yep they are pretty hard. I have tried and failed and seen others try and fail...mabye not the best solution to your problems...
Cool Microwave magnetron! +1
you did another comment so soon
Omg I just commented