After 114 years a rad sensor failed and the stations computer program attemps to wake a crew judgeing that the sensor was sending a false signal. (note from creator: Thanks for front page and let me know if you have ideas in comments!)
yeah but no iron laying around... have to fight the hive bots for that or tear down the kitchens walls...
Maker confirmed I got the reference, so probably 3 cryopods survived, oxygen in some parts of station, and lots of resources to use :)
@Beatless123,If they have enough suits and oxygen to do that.
The crew has probably enough resources to build a new reactor and repair all the damage. They will be OK.
the broke sensor is what was makeing the computer keep them in cryo when it failed it deduced it was a false signal
Also: Reactor fails: I sleep Rad sensor failure: REAL S**T
The story thickens...
What about this. The elevators were still in use when somthing went wrong... They are still in the middle of the tubes...
well in what im refrenceing it is beta but normaly that would be correct
'Thought it was 'Bravo'...