64 / 1
9th Jun 2019
5th Oct 2021
KEY: W = write; Write information/enter input value. R = read; Read written information as input. Sent out as output. I = in; Hard input. Inputs other than READ or WRITE. C = clear; Clear all written information. O = output; Result of read/in info.
computer calculator halfadder bin2dec challenge register memory adder logicunit electronic


  • JustAPlayer
    13th Nov 2020
    the thing attached to that numpad looks like a spaceship you'd see in star wars xD
  • R33sesK1ng
    13th Nov 2020
    Update: fixed some text spacing
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2020
    @JustAPlayer, A "filt rainbow" is just an array of FILT particles, each of which have a ctype value starting from 1, then 2, and then increasing by a power of 2 each time. That is, it's just a line of bit values in order of 1 to 536870912. If you want to know how to do filt logic, you should mess around with TMP and Ctype values for FILT, and look at other saves that would have it.
  • JustAPlayer
    12th Nov 2020
    how do you make a filt rainbow*
  • JustAPlayer
    12th Nov 2020
    okay so, i have seen cracker1000's serialization tutorial and i can understand everything. i tried setting the ctype of filt to different numbers and i have seen that the spectrum displays the number i set as the ctype in binary (yes i do know how to read and count binary numbers lol). i have a question - how do you make those filt rainbow things?
  • JustAPlayer
    12th Nov 2020
    i've never made this kind of DTEC serializing stuff before, but i do know how to make lots of stuff with inst, swch, basic aray and filt, ntct, ptct and so on. just take a look at my electronics saves and you'll see. im gonna try doing what you said so i can learn this kind of more advanced electronics too, thanks!
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2020
    you should also look at many different electronics saves and play around with different game mechanics you might see in other saves (or this one) so you can learn how the game works. the way this game visualizes things makes creating electronics easy to comprehend
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2020
    Update: fixed component labeling
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2020
    TPT electronics are different from redstone, tho, so learning how to make stuff in tpt becomes easier when you just watch other people do it, and if you really wanna do it, too. looking at other saves and having some self-discipline to make electronics just like other people sets you up for a cool learning experience
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2020
    @JustAPlayer, I've just been interested in making electronic stuff for a long time. you don't need to learn how to do it from any place in particular, but this game does make it easy to visualize logic systems. i began my interest in making electronics from watching redstone stuff on youtube and playing minecraft. i watched mumbo jumbo for it mostly, and just doing it gets you experience