To join the Order, just request in the comments. Look at the save first, because you need to copy the logo if I let you in.
I see gabrielfm10 used one of my moulds. Thanks for using them as intended!
Removed extra signs.
never minds i change my mind, good luck on Order of the Sword :D
cause im glad to make swords, espiecially terraria swords, cause terraira has plenty of swords
can i please join? if so ill be a new sword so, do u make saves about swords or what?
Also, it was the first thing I came up with that sounded good.
I just couldn't come up with a good name.
I know to read. But what does name 'order of the sword' has to do with making saves
Good saves get you in.
lol, "If I like your name". You really dont understand how does this works, here?