Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AVeryBigNurd The new machinery reduces stress on your labor force but puts thousands of workers out of jobs. But overall your net profit is increasing.
I request a trade with sunny for one of his colonies for 100 gold.
I escort one of my cavalry units to explore from the colony in the middle of the map. I build 30 more ships to establish more naval control
X:221 Y:223
I also expand into Paroshima.
There should really be zeppelin icons. I expand my army, build zeppelins and propose an alliance with Azat.
Has it been two weeks?
Keep expanding.
As we promised, we'll begin making machinery to help the labor jobs. Equina will try very hard to give less stress to the new jobs.
AVeryBigNurd increased pay draws more technical workers to your scientific and engineering departments, your research and development speed is +15% but labor jobs lose manpower as a result.