I'll try to encourage the population by increasing payments for research / inventing jobs, and show how it will benefit oter jobs. For the aluminium problem, begin using aluminum for other uses (chemistry and making aluminium foil), and research ways to increase it's durability for future military uses. (not ships)
Soapwurmskill909 They are en route. Remind me where they are headed?
AVeryBigNurd Aluminum is very soft compared to other metals and has very little resistance to artillery guns or naval guns for that matter. Your population remains largely unchanged, more effort is required to change people.
Sunny17431 Sorry, the mistake has been fixed.
Umm Not too slow, it's moving along quite reasonably :)
Riohel Well, that's all good. But consider this, I won't say much more, but they are aiming to outgrow you for a reason. The more they widen the gap between you and them, the more the world gets smaller and smaller, and soon there will be no more room left to expand, except into each other.
MinecraftTranquility: The patrol ships.
I shall not interfere in their economic growht, MT, indeed, they have all of my support. Let them know that our trading ports are open and available for them. Our role in this world is to be a beacon for trading and economy, to make everyone who wills to grow, grow. They wish to outgrow me? Feel free, a bigger, more developed world is so for everyone living in it.
MT, game still going quite slow eh?