Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I aslo propose an alliance with Riohel.
I build more modern infantry and zeppelins.
Make aluminium ships, 20, for defense along the northern coast. I'll encourage my population to make more researchers / inventors to drastically buff the eco / military.
Wait i meant to give him the port at 406,209 not my northern part of my island
Keep expanding
Expand east
Riohel But, in recent events that you may observe by scrolling down far enough, your advisors have been waiting to inform you of a very serious issue.
Riohel Your research teams actually did more than expected, in the process, they discovered a new fuel composition that would alloy for greater engine efficiency on aircraft. The winning team has been rewarded, and their 3 new models are being copied currently. The Model 1 Interceptor MK1, the ADA MK2, and the TA MK3
Soapwurmskill909 Your navy is spread out quite a bit. 20 ships are on patrol and 20 are on a colonial mission. Which ones will pick your troops up for such a long journey?
Riohel Your shells have been developed rather quickly, you can thank your arms manufacturers for that. Cryo-containment is being studied and tested, so far they have been able to freeze and unfreeze various dead small animals and insects without damage to their quality or "freshness".