Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Or actually YOUR ships have landed.
Sunny17431 Alright, Soap's ships have landed anyway. Apparently that territory is very fertile and rich in resources, but mostly untouched by man.
erictom333 Also, your advisors inform you that your army is spread dangerously thin. The size of your territory is proportionally much larger than what your army can defend. They suggest building up your manpower.
erictom333 Your generals are concentrating troops in colonial territory. Oil wells are being developed, however the high construction costs and labor costs are ramping up your government spending.
AVeryBigNurd Aluminum has been developed during your research process for aerial materials.
X:251 Y:223*
I send troops to X:251 Y:253
Lastly, finish with the pending creation of the three models of airplane, with emphasis on the one able to handle heavier loads. Give the congratulatory prize to that team of researches and hire them along the other two teams, have them research and improve said model to accomodate two of the new heavy cannons being developed.
Also, research refrigeration methods for long-lasting food storage, as well as more reliable food preservation methods... now that we've seen the microscopic world and its bacteria.
Start research for long range heavy artillery shells, self-contained. Have them engineered towards usage on 3 different weapon models: mounted artillery for ships, mobile motorized artillery (faster but lighter rounds), and long range mortar artillery.