Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I explore inland with my colony, attempting to search for any land that is suitable for mining. I also establish more mines in my homeland, trying to lower expenses for the tank prototypes.
@Minecraft Are they aligned to anyone? Are they going to spread into me? Also, are my zeppelins done? If so, I bring them into production.
As for our armies, make them evacuate allied territory, have them wait at our border cities for new instructions.
Alongisde a message to Equinia: Watch your words, "If you let us take the AI nation", I hope you are talking about both your people and Thimbria's. If this nation claims for monarchic freedom, I recommend not trying to instigate a ploy to take over their territory for yourself. peace talks are to be held to find the easiest way to quell the ailments of this nation.
First, instruct the diplomats to recognize Thimbrian sovereignity and to start discussions with our ally's government to set boundaries if agreed by the Thimbrians.
You guys been playing this for 1000 days because a year is a day in this.
Keep expanding.
AVeryBigNurd Riohel will have to respond to that. 20 ships have been built and deployed to the allied coast.
In the meantime, just in case for defenses, I will build 20 ships and make them defend the coastline of the NTR
I will stop the naval movement for now until we talk about it.