Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Contact Azat stating that if they let us take the AI nation, we will send tons of military and research support, and let the AI nation have their northern lands.
AVeryBigNurd 10 ships against the AI navy along with Riohel's reinforcements? Gonna be a hell of a fight.
AVeryBigNurd The rebels express their gratitude for your aid. They have declared Equinia a friend and ally of the New Thimbrian Republic, and promise to compensate your expenses if they win the conflict.
Riohel Diplomats have contacted the rebels, they are unsuccessful in peace talks. The rebels seem to have linked the faults of their own government with your encouragement and military/financial coddling being the cause of incompetency within their leaders. They declare that their new Thimbrian Republic will change the monarchical nation for the better.
Riohel Glass magnification is being developed. Troops are currently moving into allied territory, although your army is suffering a shortage of food due to supply lines being stretched and the allies directing most of their food supply toward the Western divisions.
Sunny17431 Prototypes for light tanks are being developed using plate steel and lead, although the engineers are dealing with heavy expenses for material construction.
erictom333 The red nation is rebel territory.
(and i mean under the dark blue nation east of me, as "other side")
I'll send 10 ships to land on the other side of the nation, show how the red nation is a safe place, and use military force to destroy the AI.
Continue to supply resources and reach higher relations to the red nation. If all goes well, we (Equina and the red nation) will unite and destroy the rest of the ai.