31 / 5
9th Jul 2019
5th May 2020
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
wide nationwide


  • Nurian_Republic
    6th Nov 2019
    I was talking to eric.
  • Riohel
    6th Nov 2019
    Preemptively send diplomats to the rebel region to inquire about their requests and assure them that by allying to our empire, the whole nation will see a new era of prosperity and technological advance that will mitigate any of their current ailments.
  • Riohel
    6th Nov 2019
    Research lenses for microscopic observation of the pathogen agents, also for telescopic purposes. Also, provide military relief to our allies to the west, send half of our allocated cavalry units to help them contain the rebelion without causing too many casualties.
  • Sunny17431
    6th Nov 2019
    Wait i meant the lightish dark blue in the south of the map
  • Nurian_Republic
    6th Nov 2019
  • Sunny17431
    6th Nov 2019
    Who's playing the dark blue nation? I begin to research early light tanks.
  • erictom333
    6th Nov 2019
    What is the red nation to the north of Iberia (my homeland)?
  • MinecraftTranquility
    6th Nov 2019
    AVeryBigNurd Your supplies motivate several thousand citizens to take up arms. With your initial aid they have managed to seize an AI governmental arsenal just East of their city. Your agents report that around 5000 rebels have formed a more organized militia to combat government forces, which are currently closing in from the East.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    6th Nov 2019
    Riohel The operation has gone well, although casualties continue to increase due to the survival rate of the black mold cure, but scientists are working to somehow separate the beneficial compounds from the substance. If only they had some technology that lets them get a CLOSER look... Anyway, the AI ally agrees to the offer, they hold a hasty diplomatic conference before returning to their administrative centers. Apparently they are currently dealing with a serious rebellion to the West.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    5th Nov 2019
    I'll ship resources to the rebellion to make them make a army to detroy the nation. I say I ship these because "We have recieved news showing how corrupt the country is. Things really do need to be done." Meanwhile, I'll continue industrial expansion, mass production of jobs.