Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I establish a quarantine system to stop the plague from infecting Paroshima or Sarasa. I also invest into trying to make the zeppelin prototype more maneuverable.
I build more industrial zones around the nation, to increase jobs for lower-class workers. I also recruit 5000 troops to temporarily recruit middle-lower class populationn.
Riohel Also, a plague has emerged in your deep southern provinces. Suspected to have originated from certain species of desert scorpions, the disease has infected your dense southern mega-port, and has already killed 113000 citizens. The report took some time to deliver due to the distance that has to be travelled.
Riohel The university message interests the yellow AI nation to the East of your mainland. They have sent a diplomatic party to conduct an appraisal of your educational facilities.
Riohel Petrol is being researched for improvements to chemistry. Flying aircrafts are going reasonably well, they are on schedule with development and have made 3 working models. Model A features improved aerodynamics and flying speed with reduced turning speed. Model B features increased durability and shock absorption at the expense of being lightweight and cheap. Model C features a larger chassis and larger crew capacity at the cost of speed and cargo capacity.
Lastly, send diplomatic envoys to all nations to let them know about the University we host. Highest education level available worldwide, faster research speed, protected overseas transportation. Make your research at Azat's University today!
Have our ruler take a look at the new flying machines, inspect the ongoing projects alongisde the engineers and physicists to keep on touch with the current developments; while the monarch is around there, have them check the heavy engine/wood processor, and the personal firearms.
With the knowledge acquired on our first incursion into the desert, make a second expansion towards the remaining oil well up north. Research finer methods for refining the petrol and integrating it with other compounts for more efficient energy generation.
Keep expanding.
AVeryBigNurd Alright.