Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Soapwurmskill909 Due to the absence of nuclear power and advanced physics/chemistry. Research into quantum physics will be extremely limited.
erictom333 Your prototype is able to fly decently, however it's framing design makes the ship extremely difficult to manuever, causing your crew to almost crash the vessel 3 times during the testing. Yellow ship factories are huge ports, mega ports, you could say. Yellow on any structure means it has accumulated a large population and/or production efficiency.
Sunny17431 The food production has increased surplus storage, as well as supplemented your population, however some cities have increasing homelessness rates due to there being not enough jobs for every middle class-lower class citizen.
I'll just stick with mining, industry, and food.
And also expand east.
In my homeworld, i'd like to research quantum physics and submarines.
Also, what do yellow ship factories signify?
I test the zeppelin prototype. (Hopefully it doesn't explode.) I also search for oil in Sarasa.
I continue to focus most of my research on zepplins. I invest funds into food production of my country to tryt and increase population