Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Dragonjames Your engineers experienced a setback when part of the zepplin fuel reserve exploded, damaging the superstructure. Repairs are being made.
How bout my zepplin research?
Soapwurmskill909 20 ships have left your oceanic territory, now entering open ocean.
erictom333 1915 Tech, zepplin prototype complete. Ready for testing, you just give the order.
AVeryBigNurd Well you can definitely attack the afk player btw, it's just that they won't be able to retaliate and I'll set their army on autopilot.
MinecraftTranquility: Ok. i'll contunue with thejourney, but il send an extra 10 ships, so if there is a problem there is more support.
What is the progress on my zeppelins, and what era is my tech at?
Oh. Then I'll mine resources, build up industry further, and make a food factory.
Dragonjames Alright, your troops load up and ship out.
AVeryBigNurd That's a player, currently the player is not present so there won't be any response.