Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
erictom333 Mostly oil and other fossil fuel aquifers. Your companies are currently digging for deposits. Other than that it's lumber, livestock, and glass products like windows and ornaments.
AVeryBigNurd Leaving the very early 1900s and entering the 1920s to 30s
I will produce ten ships in one of my ship factories.
So how do I play this game?
Train 10k troops and send 20k in 10 ships to the batllefield.
how yours play this game ?
I encourage my people to migrate to Sibirica and Paroshima.
What resources do I have in my Sibirica, Paroshima and Sarasa colonies? Also, where are my zeppelins and what level ismy tech?
I'll make a ship factory to severely buff up the navy in the future. I'll ask, what time period is the current tech in? 1800s? 1900s?
Dragonjames Your envoys send the message, they reply with "Indeed there will be blood on our hands, but it will be yours."