Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Prepare 50 ships and put 30k on them and invade the red nation near my conoly.
I invest in better infrastructre, and more efficient and well built roads around my nation. I focus this in the dense forests, to try and make it easier to travel in between my dense forests.
build logging camps and design a small airwhale.
Continue further westward.
Also, while reviewing status on the heavy machinery for lumber processing, send out a contest amongst our best engineers to develop and patent a flying machine that is not lighter than air. Offer 10 Million in funding and 100,000 as cash prize for the winning team.
build barriers.
I'll declare them allies unilaterally, meaning they will get no extra taxation on imports from our empire, also that a casus belli against them will be held against my nation as well. As for the reclaimed territory, I offer our ally to keep it in exchange of appropriate monetary compensation.
Riohel Also, your economy has been supplemented by the huge sum that has been payed to you in compensation by the foreign country. They have also assimilated into the darker purple nation, and have respectfully declined your offer of alliance. Your ally has also offered you a portion of the conquered territory for annexation, knowing that these had previously been your provinces.
Riohel You already have resonable plumbing systems, however the availability of 100% safe water is nonexistent. Engineers theorize that electricity, with it's high temperature properties, could possibly aid in water purification.