31 / 5
9th Jul 2019
5th May 2020
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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  • Soapwurmskill909
    24th Oct 2019
    MinecraftTranquility: id like to take control of an ai
  • Riohel
    24th Oct 2019
    Send a war envoy to the beligerent Southern Purple Kingdom. See if they are willing to sign a treaty... or the terms of their surrender.
  • Riohel
    24th Oct 2019
    OK, impose a 5% tax on income. Let our people know these meassures are for their wellbeing as much as everything else their Empire has done for them. If htis taxation exceeds our margin of losses, use additional revenue to build more schools in the cities and to research into oil refinery.
  • General_of_the_world
    24th Oct 2019
    I start burning parts of the southern forest to expand there and i will gcontinue going West.
  • Sunny17431
    24th Oct 2019
    I invest in researching aviation technology and engines, more specfically zepplins. I attempt to persuade my general population about the significance and interesting parts of science, to try and dish more scientists in my nation. I also send 10 ships to patrol around my fishing areas, to protect them from pirates
  • erictom333
    24th Oct 2019
    I expand on the souithern and southeastern continents and establish a colony at (187, 248).
  • MinecraftTranquility
    24th Oct 2019
    Dragonjames Zepplins are massive, the engineering required to make one operational at this point must be flawless. It will take some time.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    24th Oct 2019
    General_of_the_world Western expansion was successful, but it is nearly impossible to penetrate the thick forest that covers the southern peninsula.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    24th Oct 2019
    Riohel However your elites were able to shell both the city and food factory out of range, severely damaging the local infrastructure. Your economic advisors report that your treasuries are being drained in the administrative strain of controlling such a gigantic territory. A huge percentage of revenue is being directed to maintaining infrastructure and civil maintenance.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    24th Oct 2019
    Riohel A horse recon team has been dispatched, they are combing the rural districts currently, nothing to report. Also, 20 ships have been sunk to the south, the enemy troops reached a coastal port before your elites could get there and managed to coordinate an artillery barrage upon your anchored fleet.