Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I continue expanding.
Riohel also, allied infantry has managed to blow up some of the tunnels the enemy had been using, they have punched through an enemy division and are now slowly making their way east.
Sunny17431 The ports are being renovated, however the increasing usage of lumber is decreasing the forestlands and displacing many valuable animal resources.
Continue to send small search parties to the west in search for any survivors of the fleet. In the meantime I research better sea navigation and develop my western ports
Riohel Your cavalry has made it back successfully. The allies also allocated several recon platoons to insure your division's safety. For now the allied commanders are attempting to make the enemy become stuck to a routine of bombardments and minor assaults at a certain schedule, so the allies can organize an unexpected attack later on.
Send 10k troops on the colony to north.
He can be a joint-leader in my nation.
General_of_the_world Or you can join another player's country as a joint-leader.
General_of_the_world No you can attempt to peacegfully resume control of your country, which will require political strategy. Or you can lead an armed revolution to reclaim your country, in which you will need charisma and a ton of propoganda.