Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AVeryBigNurd Mudland floods are proving difficult for your fishing businesses however work inland is improving, ice and a unique tree lumber is being exported to oversea nations.
Send 30 ships with 20k troops to the empty land south of me.
Bring back the cavalry from the capital and send the other group to intercept them, make sure we never actually lose sight on their controlled territory, we don't want to expose our back for too long. Use this slower pass to try and detect entrances to their tunnel network.
I send expeditionaries to the southeasternmost oil well. I also build zeppelins.
I think that nation near me is a A.I..
I will expand westward, collect resources in the area, and build up industry with jobs.
Sunny17431 Several smaller groups of ships have been dispatched, they have all reported a shipwreck sighted on the foreign coasts, but no human activity present.
Dragonjames Just to remind you, you have taken over the yellow island nation
erictom333 Rocketry not possible, nitrogen kerosene not acquired
AVeryBigNurd I'm giving you the northern AI nation on the top left.