Have our cavalry penetrate enemy territory and attack their nearest food factory, make it a hit and run operation, low casualties, high structural damage; we are not trying to take more than we can carry in our pockets, we are to bring down the buildings and leave them inoperable. Provide the instruction to our allies: when we move north and start the raid, be on the lookout for whence our enemies pop up.
Move the navy awaiting at allied docks to attack the remaining southern port; lure their ships away from the docks and gun them down before reaching their port. Have 10,000 men board ships at our docks and bring 100 of the newly developed light rockets. Also, start preparing 10 elite ships on the northern ports.
I stake a claim to the southeasternmost oil well in the southeastern continent. id:2468156 for more detail
Supercrafter I have read them
Riohel After a lengthy political council, the Kiwi administration will agree to these conditions: 1-The politicians are to resign on paid retirement, and 2-The Kiwi provinces may elect their own provincial governors.
By wells I mean oil deposits my bad
Riohel 3 Main wells have been discovered deep within the desert regions, these sites are currently nearly impossible to reach with a party of more than 3 members, and having companies attempt to move assets and equipment out there is a suicide mission.
Riohel Enemy officers have informed your general that it's been rough on the Eastern front. The enemy has dug an extensive network of communication tunnels all over the Eastern provinces, allied troops have had no success in finding these tunnels and some even suspect that some may be running beneath allied defenses as well. They are unable to inflict many casualties with artillery due to these subterranean defenses.
erictom333 Zepplins are currently under testing, the first experiment with zepplin tech ended in a fiery explosion that killed 4 researchers and 2 civilians.
MinecraftTranquility: are you reading my messages?