Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Also, commence a political approarch for the annexation of Kiwi Empire's territories on the grounds of lack of governability (The player has left the game for good, or so it seems), keep the people's national Identity but have them under the wing of the Empire of Azat. Run Railroads and build universities and trading posts within their cities.
On the southern continent, have an expedition party look for more oil wells to dig up, provide them with internal combustion vehicles for faster, more efficient travel.
Have the cavalry meet the eastern war front, make them go around each side of the stationed platoon so as to flank the enemy, have some of the men meet our allies first to get the briefing on the situation and station them at the aforementioned flanks.
I continue to build zeppelins.
Supercrafter Your lumber companies have reached the fringes of the desert to the south. No travellers ever venture onto those plains of sand.
and wood+fire starting techniques=more food!
and I send them downwards.
MinecraftTranquility: I give my population 50$/hour and send them to chop some trees
Supercrafter Basic electrical tech has been developed, mostly just wiring sequences and some fire-starting mechanisms.
Riohel The cavalry has landed to find your allied landing site vacant, apparently the allied forces have already moved their base of operations to a further inland area. Your troops are awaiting orders while using the already built allied camp as shelter.