Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Riohel A pressurized steam propulsion system has been developed, range is around 2 miles for larger projectiles, and 4 miles for lighter ones.
Sunny17431 No airports needed, aircraft are built near the barracks.
Sunny17431: so you're here in a different location?
Hey! Im going to be away for a week because I'll be overseas. While I'm away, I would like to colonise the rest of my island, and then start settlements on the land on my west. I also Try to attract populations into my major cities.
I invest in research for engine efficiency in planes, to make them travel further distances.
I continue expanding and build zeppelins.
then I research basic buckets and build a power plant.
I research electronics with my silver, then I send my population to dig for coal and pay them 20$/hour
Lastly, send a party of emmisaries to the eastern country of my mainland to inquire about trading with them.
Load 2000 cavalry on my northern fleet and have disembark on the territory my ally controls on the northern continent to aid with the invasion.