31 / 5
9th Jul 2019
5th May 2020
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz Mock battles will add to the soldier skill and thinking capacity as they have to learn to deal with enemies as intelligent as them instead of a target marker.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    9th Jan 2020
    Could my economy handle the construction of 200 cruisers?
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    9th Jan 2020
    Well commence rigourus training programs to increase both the intelligence and strength of the troops. Have them engage in mock battles, and have them employ complex strategies, and teach them to lead themselves in the event their commander dies
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    Yeah, and pretty much all the combatants including you are depleted in strength and funds, you can expect little activity or much less aggression from the Imperium states as your advisors say.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    9th Jan 2020
    Oh nevermind
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    9th Jan 2020
    No I mean like what countries should I worry about? And begin balancing the budget to cover the costs, and if needed, increase the taxes slightly
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz The war was between 2 factions, the Grand Entente led by Nurd, and the Old Imperium led by multiple AI nations. I've highlighted Entente nation capitals in blue and Imperium nation capitals in Green.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz A continental war that has already occured literally days before you came. Negotiations were just concluded and the war has ceased. Current situation is a tentative peace laced with tension. Your military recruiter stations are drawing in reserve enlistments on file to fill the empty ranks. This should cover your soldier shortage, however the costs on vehicular repairs and infrastructure rebuilding projects are huge.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    9th Jan 2020
    I begin modernizing pistols and rifles. I also begin a mass training program to replenish the divisions. What is the current situation in my surroundings. You mentioned a war?
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    Guybrushpowder Gotcha