31 / 5
9th Jul 2019
5th May 2020
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
wide nationwide


  • Guybrushpowder
    9th Jan 2020
    AZAT please
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    Guybrushpowder Sure, choose an available nation on the roster within the save.
  • Guybrushpowder
    9th Jan 2020
    can I join?
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    player4444 Your troops are being put through the combat simulations, where battling against fellow soldiers increases their overall skill and aptitude for war as regular target practices and drills offer no realistic human level of threat.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    player4444 At this point your country is back at 100%. And your research on the old Yopan aircraft has been somewhat successful, although engineers have not been able to replicate the material the craft is made out of, they have managed to create an aerial metal constructed model of one that can theoretically work once they figure out the engine.
  • player4444
    9th Jan 2020
    Also begin training my troops steadily until they're at a professional army level. Open training centers for combat simulations for troops using fake guns and plastic bullets. Expand my naval amphibious abilities. Oh and how is study going on for the remains of the crashed ship?
  • player4444
    9th Jan 2020
    And hows my research going?
  • player4444
    9th Jan 2020
    Hows my country doing? Also I choose the stealth aircraft option.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    Dragonjames You already have several rocket models designed, none of which have been replicated however. Tanks are being constructed.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Jan 2020
    Annual production of primary ores/mining resources in metric tons: 44M Steel, 20M Aluminum, 300 Ballium, 2 Gold, 200000 Titanium, 2M Copper, 1M Tin