Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I focus most of my attention onto developing rockets.
Study the diagrams and attempt to recreate them. Develop prototype aircraft like the engineers made. Expand our research and development sites if we have to
erictom333 Your construction force has been able to contruct a massive bridge to one of your military islands, however creating tunnels and railways to your other colonies will be nearly impossible, as several hundreds of miles worth of ocean has to be covered, and at some places the ocean floor is over 10000 feet deep.
player4444 Also Equinian engineers have made some rough skematics of the ship itself, which is evidently very well designed and much more advanced than any aerial vehicle you possess.
player4444 Most of the ship is hopelessly rusted away, and any circuitry or advanced electrical systems have been reduced to dust or oxidized shards. However within the craft, several diagrams of strange machines and objects have been found preserved inside airtight containers that have survived the test of time.
Be willing for peace before the casualties begin to become harsh.
I build railways and tunnels connecting all f my territiories with each other and Yopa and Equinia, and research computers and rocketry.
Allow access for joint research, anything related to our past is to be kept to ourselves though.
Help in craft studying.
Attempt to study the craft, materials used, framework, electrical systems, EVERYTHING.