Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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AVeryBigNurd The enemy has expressed they are willing to negotiate for peace, though they beleive it unlikely either side will find an equal agreement.
player4444 Apparently they found the remains of what appears to be a large craft of some kind that landed on the forests many centuries ago. It bears strange markings that heavily resemble the Yopan flag, but are suspected to be an old variant of the emblem. The leading theory is that the ship is what brought the first Yopan blooded humans to this planet in the first place.
player4444 Your space program is being formulated, it is hard to find proper experts in the field of rocketry and space sciences since the concept has seldom been explored by your government during its time in this world. Though some of your researchers have made a fascinating discovery in the jungles of your home island.
player4444 Self loading rifles developed, bolt action has been rendered obsolete. M1 Garand prototypes have emerged from the gunsmithing class.
UPDATE: I have changed all country names into TTAN with DECO that matches the exact shade of color the country is on the map. This should better help you guys know which country is which. So make sure decorations are turned on.
Zer0Build3r Yeah sure choose your open AI nation.
Discuss with the WHOLE entente a new strategy for annihalating our main, new enemy, the Old Imperium. Or just simply discuss and try peace (seems very, very unlikely)
player4444: That's in the cold war era. A functional V2 which barely makes it above the Karman Line will only come at 1942 or 1944.
Begin development of coordinate guided cruise missiles using basic electronic chips. Also start a small basic space program to get small satellites into orbit.