Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
player4444 Your reemployment reforms are able to cut 10% of the homeless population. The other 10% are composed of either the old and infirm or convicts who have been released from imprisonment without any drive to work anymore. Your government is able to extend advanced sanitation and construction services to multiple districts in need, this helps eliminate diseases and small business bankruptcy.
Accept trades if we have bauxite. Make an "around the world" mass trade route to boost our economy here, while aiding in military in the AIs attacking purple.
Does Equinia have any bauxite? If so, I trade some of my uranium from Rhodin for it. I also begin geological surveys in my territories for bauxite and other strategic minerals.
Expand the reach and potential of basic services. Begin upgrading infrastructure in the country. Open new trade routes with eric and my ally as well as any state willing to invest in us.
This programs objective is to provide a job to everyone, and I doubt my people wont pass the requirements considering their education, as well as establish a way of quickly resolving critical problems in a democratic way where everyone gets a say.
To recover our economy and employment as well as strengthen it, open a government program that offers part time employment for all people, though entry requires a basic intelligence test and basic problem solving. The program will focus on sovling domestic issues in all board, ex. education, economical, flow of intelligence.
The southern AI natins have launched moderate scale attacks on purple territory, purple troops have moved to intercept these armies, and are currently fighting defensively while generally outnumbered.
player4444 Your nation has fully been recovered, however you have been left with a major unemployment crisis, as injured soldiers, overworked laborers, and bankruptcy of small businesses have combined to form a massive proletariate population, around 20%.
player4444 You do not possess much bauxite either, as many tons as i can count on my right hand.