Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
The same what?
Begin doing the ame, but doing it by my self
I'll expand my research center and build more, have them open access to eric. Open new electronic factories and silicon processing plants
I adopt player4444's free learning system and public libraries, and research (together with player4444) early computers.
Send 20 ships, each having 20k soilders, from the mainland to assist Soapwurm. Invent the interstage and side interstage for rocket stages and boosters.
Soapy, your east expansion in PHAROL is impossible, Infinity is to your east, and, you can only build 10 ships with the limited wood stockpile you have.
MinecraftTranquility: I deny the request and start building more ports, and continue mass producing. I send all of my remaining troops and declare a full forca attack on the enemy, hopefully taking all of thier land.
Soapwurmskill909 The Utonians offer to buy your small province in the Southern peninsula for 188 Billion USD
erictom333 player4444 both research efforts have quite accidentally given birth to the microprocessor, a new silicon based innovation that is expected to achieve great things.
player4444 The didactic learning system is beginning to grow a population of master craftsmen in their fields. Free knowledge is allowing even the lower class citizens to educate and employ themselves. Your homeless population has dropped to 9%