Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Soapwurmskill909 Your navy is at max practical capacity, too many ships will overload your ports and take large amounts of time to repair and offer maintenance. If you still wish to mass produce then let me know, however your inciendary bombs are being sent to your attacking navy in AI waters.
Star mass producing military ships(like navies) wich i arm with cannons, aswell as molotov-esc bombs wich i will send to the dark blue AI
Seems like we share research goals. Screw it I'll join.
I invite Yopa into the Great Entente, promising a new era of peace and prosperity. I also research transistors and radio.
Also, open a small research facility and have it begin research on transistors and radio technology.
Begin setting up libraries in all towns and cities. Turn classes into teach yourself classes where students are given a guideline of what they will study for their final test. Students will study on their own, in the process encouraging self growth and means to work for one's future. Have libraries and other sources of knowledge open to the public.
Dragonjames Yes you have several models in storage.
player4444 Your economy is recovering steadily. The transportation networks are back up and running.
Encourage my people to invent things to assist their own repairs, and begin small economic projects to boost our economy
Are my tanks done researching?