Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Alienoverlord Your choice mate
player4444 Alright I'll flip a coin
AVeryBigNurd Submarine attacks on the mines have been unsuccessful, targeting systems are not accurate enough to hit the smaller objects consistently. Rocketry research is being directed at the new model, and 30 planes are under construction.
My wide won't open until summer comes.
Idk flip a coin or something lol
erictom333 and player4444 how am I supposed to decide who wins tho xd
Bomb the mines with submarines, and begin progress on a rocket like the V-2. Make 30 planes in Equa for airbombing of the dark blue AI.
Ight we can do that
@player4444 Not a RL game; just let Minecraft decide. If I win, I get my minimum claims. If you win, you get the whole island (bar a small chunk in the east for naval access).
@erictom333 Sure.