Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Alienoverlord Actually that wide has been shut down, Dragon had taken over it but it soon fell flat. So I gave it a gap of time before I made this one, which is doing OK. If you want I can make a new map for you and you can host a new one. Or you can join this one.
I'm back. I'd lost my device, now I have a brand new one.
Spread the word about the fix for the nationwide.
Here's the id for the fix: 2495834
I'm going to take over the nationwide that umm was running.
What happened to the wide I was in?
Our claims. ID:2495817
You are not native to this island. We are.
Ah, i see that's fine. Is it okay if i join later when i get time? Merry christmas btw
@player4444Why do you want the whole island? I've been settling it for longer than you. I'd really like to see your minimum and maximum claims in a save similar to mine, so we cannegotiate further.