Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Alright lets sit down and talk. Eric leaves the island, thats all I ask. Anything from you?
In Equa: Create advanced camo, locate enemy dark blue troops then make our troops encircle and attack.
Propose the Treaty Of Yopa, a treaty to end wars within Yopa on both sides.
Once so, feed this info into my elite troops, then begin quick guerrilla hit and runs on supply lines from the peninsula. Have all troops show up on the front lines and reinforce our front lines.
Have special squads in each battalion in charge of learning and adopting to the enemies tactics. Use this as an advantage to collect intelligence on their fighting maneuvers
The Ethriarpan and Trotskyan colonies in the southern continents have declared their allied independence, reorganizing themselves into a separate nation.
AVeryBigNurd You have already been in battle with the AI, your troops on the island are currently in a stalemate with defending enemy troops, they are prepared for the rockets and have constructed subterranean shelters during the fight.
Attack the AI from Equa, very suddenly and from afar with rockets.
AVeryBigNurd True enough, the Dark Blue AI has restricted economic and political flow between Vallia and the rest of the Triumvirate, this clog is guaranteed to worsen with the alliance forming between the Dark Blues and their eastern neighbor.
Soapwurmskill909 Your troops have advanced further only to meet the heavily defended fortifications that the Dark blues have built across their Western front.