Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Not much, will change if other members reccomend. : 2494278
Just a small emblem of sorts will be fine
Ok, I'm gonna have to put symbols for alliances next to your names. AVeryBigNurd create a symbol of the Grand Entente and send me the save ID, make it small so it can fit in the name index.
So far, that is.
The Entente is the Triumvrate + Eric.
erictom333 your troops managed to destroy 20000 Yopan troops on the Western front in Paroshima. Enemy troops overextended their attack and got surrounded.
AVeryBigNurd I'll just let you and the other Entente members figure it out. Remind me who is in the Entente again?
erictom333 The siege is going well, the defenders are breaking, slowly, but surely.
Discuss whether we should strengthen the core of the Grand Entente to be a military alliance, and also discuss if the Entente should allow more nations to join in as trade.
erictom333 Utonia also wants military tech to be shipped to their territory from you, they have very obsolete equipment and need to upgrade their infant army.