31 / 5
9th Jul 2019
5th May 2020
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
wide nationwide


  • Soapwurmskill909
    21st Dec 2019
    i commence an attack on the dark blue AI's east provinces. When i take them, i build a large frontline so they cannot get through.
  • player4444
    21st Dec 2019
    A corrupt past we cannot deny, but under new rule, we hope to see new daylight and a better life style than the previous oppressive government. Yet you and the Portugese refuse our offers of peace and threaten with full exctinction. We do not take threats kindly, specially after such an offer. The people are suffering because of your bombers, your war machines, if you really want the people to stop suffering, stop attacking us and let us be.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    21st Dec 2019
    Also to the Yopan Union: We promise to aid you to heal the trauma from the corrupt past. If the military intervenes against you, we will bring the corrupt down. The Portugese are innocent and want self defense, and want the corrupt Yopan wreck to pay. If they harm the Portugese, suffering will continue.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    21st Dec 2019
    To Yopa: Yopa has started the catastrophe against Portugal, forcing the action done. The goverment is a corrupt wreck forcing the army to invade Portugal for no true reason. Fund the riots, and state how the goverment's corruption is in criticality. We do not accept suffering of people. Free them all.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    21st Dec 2019
    To Vallia: Thimbria, now Eurphio has broken the trade alliance with Eric. Equina is trying to make Eurphio settle down and enjoy being in the triumvirate.
  • player4444
    21st Dec 2019
    Respond to their counter respone with: Facist or not, we do not abuse our power and use it for the better of our people. The Portugese government has orchestrated horrific violent acts on innocent civilian lives, who have nothing to do with this conflict, who are people just like me and you.
  • player4444
    21st Dec 2019
    Air the following message on national TV, "Yopan citizens, we need to unite against a common threat. Some of us may be blinded by their lies, their deceits, their barbarous attitudes, but please, look from the others perspectives, look at what they've gone through thanks to these monsters in our land. Yopan people, we must unite, as it could mean the end of the Yopan history if we dont. Thank you for listening."
  • MinecraftTranquility
    21st Dec 2019
    Aight guys, I'll take care of these orders tomorrow, I got some work to do rn so hang tight.
  • erictom333
    21st Dec 2019
    I respond with a message to the world about how Yopa is a fascist hellhole and how New Portugal is not.
  • player4444
    21st Dec 2019
    Have our troops take advantage of the land which they grew up on and use that knowledge against the enemy invaders.