Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
What's the cause of the war?
A collection of provinces have gained independence from Midland rule, they have formed the nation of Utonia, now open for control.
Soapwurmskill909 But you can perhaps make an offer to the AI controlling it to buy land.
Soapwurmskill909 Nope, only can be claimed by players without nations or function as AI otherwise.
Dragonjames X162 Y96
player4444 Well, because Eric has imposed total annexation as a peace term, if you surredner to make peace he get's your eastern province in the continent, which is responsible for 43% of your economy.
is it possible for me to buy one of the places that are open?
Can tell me X Y where is my capital?
Seems like I'm in quite the mess. Hm. Why not just call this a peace? All this unnecessary death over what?
The year is 1938. One year before nuclear weapons begin to get in the game. Figure out how radioactive materials can be highly explosive. Begin attempting to create a material that withstands radioactive elements.