Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
player4444 Infrastructure is heavily damaged currently, as Eric's bombing raids and attacks on the ground have destroyed many metropolitan districts. Your troops are currently locked in a guerilla war with Eric's troops, they are attacking supply runs, patrols, and enemy outposts wherever they can.
Dragonjames: I'll give you a brief background. Before control from players, the nation you have is Thimbria, part of the Northern Triumvrate (Equina, Vallia, and you.) We also have a trading alliance with Eric (forgot the name)
player4444 Currently you have no alliances or trade connections, and you are right now at war with Eric's Portugese Republic and its ally, Equinia, led by AVeryBigNurd.
player4444 Tech level ww2 roughly, you have no cavalry units but you have the tech for armored vehicles, light tanks, machine guns, rifles etc. You also have some limited war zepplin technology though your aircraft division is very small and underutilized.
A little brief would be nice, whats my tech level, military status, diplomatic status, and infrastructure currently like?
The Purple AI has chosen to join the side of the Blue AI. It seeks claims in war indemnities that could supplement its declining economy.
Dragonjames You're allied to Equinia and Vallia
Dragonjames It's this one: X162 Y96
Also, where is it?
I want the one with 88 pop, and name it Eurphio.