Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
x:453 y:251
neon green part
can i join?
AVeryBigNurd Also, you are about to reach your full troops capacity, any larger military expansion and your economy won't be able to allocate funds to your army properly.
Soapwurmskill909 All available troops have been dispatched. The AI has stopped its expansion, withdrawing troops from the Equa borders, they are busy garrisoning their new lands.
Sunny17431 Turqoise color nation
erictom333 Your bombers inflict serious damage in the metropolitan areas, flushing any garrisons out into the forests, however your ground troops are having a lot of trouble. They are trying to sack every town/municipality they reach, however in between supply runs and patrols your troops are being ambushed by Yopan guerilla fighters. Scouts have been unable to find the enemy camps, much less the enemy divisions in the thick jungles.
AVeryBigNurd Attack who?
I send all troops on seas and on my mainland towards the blue AI. i tell them my actions and hopefully scare them off
Which nation is supercrafter? I improve supply lines from my mainland to my colonies to improve relations and connections.