Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AraiKuma: Yeah, it is.
Damn I would really love to play this, but it looks so complicated. Is it simpler than it seems?
NuttyMcNuttzz and Dragonjames you guys let me know when you want your invasions to begin.
AVeryBigNurd Also your circuit power grid and comms interface aboard your rocket has been examined thoroughly. The vibrations and heat experienced during the launch cause a multitude of major and minor malfunctions, several connective wires have been either fried or jostled out of their insulators and been forced to overheat.
erictom333 Would you like a test flight launched or would you want your satellite launched immediately?
Guybrushpowder Your test launch has succeeded in getting the actual cargo and pod of the rocket into space, however your lower segments exploded into fireballs when they were supposed to detach harmlessly. G-Force analysis revealed pressure levels that would force human occupants into unconciousness. Temperature inside your crew area has reached up to 230 F degrees, your scientists are working to insulate the section now.
AVeryBigNurd The engines have been detached and taken to the testing facility where they have been fired on an incline to test for malfunctions. No issues, test flight with lead weights has proved successful, although one of the main panels has been destroyed upon expulsion due to the reactive links being loaded with too much propellant. Your engineers are building another panel now. It will be ready for a real launch.
With the rockets there is one catch, the unknown. In your case you may have preformed a static fire test, but that is nothing like actual spaceflight. You need multiple launches, tens if not more to actually perfect it enough for it to not be a ticking bomb. Also if there is even ONE fault anywhere in the fuel system it may compromise the craft enough for it to be a massive fire cracker
I develop and launch (when ready) an operational wifi satellite.
i want an extra prototype rocket built, an launched, when completed. have g-force analyzers, altitude readers, and other things to collect data on board the prototype