Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Soapwurmskill909 I will put a blue line of un-decoed FILT to the right of your nation. When that line is filled, your troops and ships are done.
Soapwurmskill909 60k troops under training, will take some time due to the large size of troops being drilled.
erictom333 Where is Sarasa I forgot xd.
AVeryBigNurd Also the Vallians have restated their disinterest, but they express no problems with you and Thimbria's intervention.
AVeryBigNurd Your 20 ships have been built, and the thimbrians have volunteered to mann the campaign with their army. They'll contribute 20000 troops.
Dragonjames You do not have 50 ships to send, only 10 ships are currently on standby and they are in the southern coast.
MinecraftTranquility: I reduce the amounts to 60k and keep the 500 ships. i also produce small amounts of troops in my colonys
@Soapwurmskill 500k troops is ridiculously huge. I've currently got 70k troops in Paroshima and 16k elsewhere. 20-50k seems like a more appropriate amount.
I produce ships with artillery in Sarasa and send them to raid Yopa's ally's capital, while diverting a smallish contingent of troops to push north for unblocked sea access.
I decide to remain neutral in this war, however, if needed, I will send supplies and to soapwurm for the war effort. I continue advancing my ship technology, investing mostly in submarine tech. I also continue the colonise the rest of the land in the middle.