Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Declare war on eric,Send all of my toops to his lands bordering mine,
Umm: oxygen reactant
I mean kamikaze zeppelins even if filled with hydrogen won't go like BOOM, rather like poof, hydrogen doesn't make that big of a boom to be worth the risk, and even if it was a few shots could make it destroy itself
I request the rlly rlly dark green AI nation to merge with me. I offer them Independence but They are under my territorial control.
I also produce some hydrogen kamikaze zeppelins.
Hydrogen kamikaze zeppelins. Far away from cities.
I begin researching aircraft carriers and more advanced types of ships.
I research a way to guide my rockets, like radio or wifi.
erictom333 The rockets are being transferred in smaller quanitites due to recent incidents involving cargo explosions caused by dislodged rocket equipment.
Dragonjames More troops are being pushed out monthly, however the huge military force that you are building is beginning to drain your food supply. Originally you ALSO had army funding problems, however the recent absorption of the AI ally into your country has allowed your combined economies to support double the troops.