Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AVeryBigNurd: What we can do is share the neutral land out, so it's fair.
Second choice Mt.
Establish control on the island, and help efforts for the other nations on the island. Meanwhile, back home, make better insulation for a potential liquid fuel rocket.
Dragonjames However, there are multiple ways to "unite". Do you wish to have a physical unification where your territories merge together as one?
AVeryBigNurd Your allies agree, and sign papers of consent.
Dragonjames Your ally agrees upon hearing of Eric's proposition to the Northern triumvirate.
Now all of you must decide what will happen with the conquered land. As the island is currently now neutral territory due to multiple different armies being present on it.
AVeryBigNurd and Soapwurmskill909 and Sunny17431, your allied invasion destroyed around 20000 enemy troops. The enemy ruler and his remaining loyalists have fled across the sea to the decaying Azat allied provinces, where they have overthrown the localized authorities and have installed it as their new land. Upon seeing their leader escape, the remaining enemy forces on the island have surrendered.
erictom333: i see what u did there
Equina accepts the proposal. To our allies, Equina states how this would severely boost our economies to make more ambitious projects, train more soilders, just good in general.