Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I propose an economic alliance (not military) with the Northern Triumvirate, called the Great Entente.
Tell my ally if we should unite, we need to defend from Eric.
Expand my industry, research Automatic Weapons from the ww2 era.
Also try improving diplomatic relations down south, and begin to bring up them uniting with us.
This game sure has changed since i quit. Bye nicaya.
(I mean in the dark blue nation.)
Move soilders toward stuff, then bombard their troops and factories with rockets
I take the land on half of the land, and create a wall defense thingy
Sunny17431 Your navy was able to disable the enemy dockyards, though this is a redundant gain due to the fact that the enemy has moved their navy southward. Your troops have landed with allied troops from Ethriarpa, and together have dislodged and defeated the coastal enemy garrison.
Soapwurmskill909 The ships are sent, and have been joined by Sunny's reinforcements on the way.