Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AVeryBigNurd Your troops managed to arrive just as Soap's 2000 troops were destroyed and their defenses overrun. Your contingent is now engaging the enemy breach. 10 zepplins are being contructed with your trade lines bringing in a significant amount of export revenue.
Ok cool. I would like to initiate in a trade route between us?
I state, in the future, toall people in Equina, we will be the research capital of the world. For the rough draft to the new rocket, attempt to create it. Look for cooling technology and good insulation to get near the first liquid fueled rockets.
I use my navy to bombard the remaining shipyard at the south of the island, where the 20000 troopers are. I then land my troops and slowly push, attempting to starve them of their supplies.
@AVeryBigNurd I confused you for another similar-coloured nation. In this case, it'll be a lot easier - just a few railways across Sibirica.
Ok. I send 20 ships with the 20000 troops on land and order all my troops to take the dark blue smidge. I also ask fo backup from countries im at peace with.
Send military backup for people invading the dark blue nation with 5000 troops. Pretrain them shortly before deployment to get them out of being "chill" from all our war inactivity. Meanwhile, back home, begin building 10 zeppelins loaded with rockets. The trade line erictom and I established I'll begin feeding resources.
AVeryBigNurd A report has come in that your Northern Triumvirate ally has invaded the Azat ally a second time. Also, the Vallians request that you lend them 20000 pounds of gold bullion for a transaction with another nation. In exchange they will permanently give you 30000 troops to add to your army.
Soapwurmskill909 meanwhile, the enemy troops have punched through your defenses on the land bridge, your 2 divisions retreated with minimal casualties and managed to construct a second set of defenses further West. They are preparing to make another stand. Your besiegement is also not going too well, your troops have reached a stalemate with the defenders. The enemy has numbers, but your troops have more firepower, so its a glass cannon vs armored peashooter
Soapwurmskill909 Also, your navy was simply too small to accomodate such a huge force, they managed to cram 20000 troops onboard to join up with Sunny's reinforcements.