Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
OK. I use the missiles that i have( if i have got them) to detonate on thier main source of food and troops.
Soapwurmskill909 5000 Enemy troops are currently attacking your defenses, and possess long range field artillery that is able to damage several supply depots behind your emplacements.
Soapwurmskill909 The fake treaty is intercepted by enemy intel agents, the information has been blocked from the enemy public view as welll as the military. Apparently this nation is much better prepared than you thought. Meanwhile, 40000 troops are being trained on your mainland.
Sunny17431 More ships with soldiers have been dispatched to the invasion, though the trip will be a looooong journey.
Dragonjames Your airships are being manufactured, albeit slowly, war prep is getting in the way of maximum production.
AVeryBigNurd: Probably yearly gold.
Propose a trade line with erictom333.
Soapwurmskill909: What are you offering for our rocketry trade?
I create a fake peace treaty to the blue AI so i can disorientate thier soldiers and move forward and destry thier stuff.
Thankyou to whomever is helping me in the war.