A complete tutorial for serialization, including some usefull points for different elements.Ask in comment section for further info. I hope this helps :)
Remember it affects life of only those particles which actually are in a 1x1 radius of LSNS.
CyberTechIndustries Not sure why it won't work with FIRE. When i tested it last time, i am sure PLSM life was actually affected. Thanks for pointing it out.
I just want to check if anyone else is finding trouble with this,, I can't seem to affect the life value of fire or cflm with this, except sometimes it dissapears completely,, spng works fine just like in the demo but the exact system doesn't seem to work with fire or cflm...
is it bad i understand exactly nothing about this
LBPHacker: guess im gonna mess around with tpt code a little bit :)
Oh yeah, it won't, it's always 31 * 2**k, where k is between 0 and 25. Like I said, this always happens if FILT's ctype is 0.
upd: oh crap, it didnt
LBPHacker: i completely forgot about temperature :) i guess PROP with temp 273.15 will fix everything, much thanks
You can set the 30th bit (2**29) and all 29 bits below that with LDTC just fine (if not, it's a bug and you should tell me). FILT acts as if having a ctype of 31 when its ctype is 0, and in fact this "default" ctype depends on temperature. 31 has 5 bits set in base 2, and these bits are what give FILT with a ctype of 0 its blue colour. When its temperature is higher, this 31 gets shifted up by a bunch of bits and gradually colours FILT redder.