look there is a naked furry dude in the corner!!!!1!!1!1!1!1
Find some ship designs on internet, there are many nice exampled to do. Deco? Yes, it's a bit hard to deco ships for me even now, how you can see, last time I used deco on arts, but i decided no-deco arts are much prettier and not time wasting for deco them. Just find your style, your way to do that. It took for me 1-2 years to become known in most TPT mechanic, in creating nice save and how to interest others to watch it.
kit237: not for nationwide just for some ideas i have
raptorshark is seriously asking another person to make him spaceships for nationwide instead of making them himself...? Im just amazed at this level of laziness
Ura_Octostar: i do rly love your saves tho
Just wasn't here for some time. Idk will I do, because I've lack of free time, also... Yes, I want to do this for you,but can't right now. You just can try some of my ship templates or practice on them. Also, last time I'm less active in TPT, studing, lazyness and other. TPT takes too much time. To be honest, my ships aren't designed fine.