A game of nuclear war. Befriend allies, annihalate enemies.
yes.... I am confused. wait... can multiple people research the same thing?
yeah, for our radars, but you can still control them. do some insane stuff in no radar zones, like make tonsa nukes
research IRBM damage
AVeryBigNurd: wait, they went in a spot out of the radar range
April 2nd, 2029: Planes have vanished from the radars of multiple countries. Only the U.S can see and control them.
you can research
AVeryBigNurd: you forgot to move my planes
I can't research anything anymore.
March 25, 2029: The U.K has built bunkers all around it's African land, researched ICBM / IRBM range / damage, and built 10 ICBMs in African soil.
March 21, 2029: The U.S has attracted people to it by a massive bunker complex. They can now build 25 things before economic collapse.